Tuesday, February 8, 2011

public baths

"The large issue here is that simulation can be a poor substitute for the tactile experience."  Richard Sennett

Last fall we were given a studio project in which we needed to design a public bathhouse, creating an experience similar to Peter Zumthor's Therme Vals in Switzerland.  I loved this project!  It gave me a chance to create an experience where one is connected to his or her environment through the use of all the senses.  This projected started me down a path of wanting to understand how architecture and the senses connect one to the environment.  Clearly as a result The Eyes of the Skin by Juhani Pallasmaa became one of my all-time favorite books.  Another piece of this project that fascinated me was the actual creation of my model.  My model was created out of various concrete forms.  Working with concrete, getting dirty and having and intensely hands on approach allowed me to realize that the process of designing should also involve each of the senses.  I believe that when our process of designing can mirror our desired experiential outcome, really great design can emerge!  Here are some final images of my model:

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